Logan’s Run (1976)

Logan’s Run (1976)

Another sci-fi thriller concerned with overpopulation this one’s population of genetically altered test-tube babies must reside in agriculturally enhanced bubble cities because the outside world is clouded in the aftermath of nuclear (?) destruction. Each person’s hand sports an indicator of their age which changes from white to red when they’ve lived their 30 years. Those that run refusing to "renew" in a floating chamber are hunted down and shot by "sandmen" (police enforcers) like Michael York. When York’s time is up and he discovers an underworld through Jenny Agutter he runs and is chased relentlessly by former friend & fellow sandman Richard Jordan. Farrah Fawcett-Majors has a brief role as a blonde (in every sense of the word) "nurse"; Peter Ustinov plays an old man York & Agutter find on "the outside". Nominated for Art Direction & Cinematography Oscars the film did receive a Special Achievement Award for visual effects from the Academy.

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