Midnight Lace (1960)

Midnight Lace (1960)

A Hitchcock-like thriller directed by David Miller with a screenplay by the Oscar nominated collaborators Ivan Goff & Ben Roberts (Man of a Thousand Faces (1957)). This one features Doris Day (from Hitch’s The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956)) as the wife of Rex Harrison and a woman who’s being tormented by a mysterious voice. Alone in their apartment most of the time per her busy husband’s work Day’s character grows more frightened to the point of hysteria as calls from this "man" continue … and yet no one seems to believe her! The cast includes John Gavin Myrna Loy Roddy McDowall Herbert Marshall Hermione Baddeley John Williams (from the real Hitchcock film Dial M for Murder (1954)) as the Inspector Rhys Williams and Hayden Rorke among others making one wish it could have been better. Irene received an Oscar nomination for her Color Costume Design.

Purchase this DVD now at Movies Unlimited - Buy it NOW!

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