Most Dangerous Game The (1932)

Most Dangerous Game The (1932)

The first the original an essential! This adventure drama horror thriller features a big game hunter who’s grown bored with hunting animals so now he desires to hunt the most cunning and adaptable prey on earth … man! This Richard Connell story first adapted by James Ashmore Creelman has been remade so many times into movies radio and television programs that it’s a classic. Surprisingly it has yet to be added to the National Film Registry even though the other well known and oft-remade classic from Merian C. Cooper and Ernest B. Schoedsack King Kong (1933) which used many of the same sets two of its cast members – Fay Wray and Robert Armstrong – and a music score written by the same composer (Max Steiner) was so recognized in 1991. Cooper was associate producer for executive producer David O. Selznick; Schoedsack shared directing duties with heretofore actor Irving Pichel (his directorial debut). This original runs barely an hour which made it perfect for the other mediums mentioned above.

Joel McCrea stars as the hunter’s most capable challenger Bob Rainsford an adventurer author who’s also a hunter himself. After a shipwreck and shark attacks which kill everyone else that was aboard Bob swims to a remote uncharted island which is owned by a mad Russian Count named Zaroff (Leslie Banks). Eve Trowbridge (Wray) and brother Martin (Armstrong) had already been stranded on the island earlier and as Bob comes to learn are effectively Zaroff’s prisoners. When Bob learns the Russian’s game he understands why Martin drinks excessively especially after he sees the macabre trophy room. Of course much like Lon Chaney’s character in The Phantom of the Opera (1925) Zaroff loves classical music and plays the piano (Banks overplays it a bit as he mugs for the camera a sinister expression on his evil character’s face). The most suspenseful part of the film is the hunt and chase through the island’s thick (and what should be familiar) foliage. Zaroff gives Bob a knife and a head start but also saddles him with Eve and uses dogs to pursue them. The outcome is pure Hollywood.

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