Bombshell (1933)
Bombshell (1933)
An essential inside Hollywood comedy about a film star (Jean Harlow) her meddling agent (well played by Lee Tracy) and all the other leaches (including her family – Dad played by Frank Morgan) who live off her. Pat O’Brien plays her director where they are supposedly filming scenes from Red Dust (1932). Recently divorced he has a love hate relationship with her. But it’s Tracy’s agent character that really gets on her nerves. He "wants" her too. When she decides she wants to adopt a baby (fearing for his own loss of income?) he spoils it. Fed up with it all Harlow escapes to a desert resort where she meets and falls for Franchot Tone. But she doesn’t live up to his parent’s (Dad played by C. Aubrey Smith) expectations. And there’s something else going on here … (Una Merkel & Louise Beavers also appear). Directed by Victor Fleming uncredited.