Braveheart (1995)

Braveheart (1995)

Outstanding … FREEDOM!!! A fictionalized account of William Wallace. Like Costner and Eastwood before him popular actor Mel Gibson got his turn to take home his only Oscars (Director and Producer for this Best Picture winner) on his only nominations so far. But unlike the other two Gibson was snubbed didn’t even receive a Best Actor nomination in this year that Hollywood was obviously on drugs (Nicolas Cage won the Best Actor award for Leaving Las Vegas (1995)). The film did received three other Oscars (and five other nominations including Screenplay Writing). #91 on AFI’s 100 Most Heart-Pounding Movies list. #62 on AFI’s 100 Most Inspiring Movies list.

Purchase this DVD now at Movies Unlimited - Buy it NOW!

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or purchase this movie’s soundtrack here Movies Unlimited - Buy it NOW!

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